Matters of Interest x Big Shop Friday
What I’m (still meant to be) Reading
Wednesday 12 May 2021
This week’s Matters of Interest invites a group discussion and opportunity to co-author a Reader on the theme of the ‘What I’m (meant to be) Reading’. Contributors are invited to share texts they are currently / have recently / are meant to be reading. All texts welcomed (papers, articles, books, gram-posts, post-it note notes etc) with the session mapping the over-laps, connections and possible contradictions between the lines.
(*If you have digital copies that can be shared, great. If not, dw, just make a stack of books for the start of the session.)
Previous Reader
When does the word of mouth end and the rewarding of curiousity start? ︎
To participate in Matters of Interest group-chat, email by 5pm on the day of the session, whereby you’ll be invited to the closed group-chat. Be Skype-ready.
To Do and Other Lists | 23 April | 6.30 – 8pmReader here ︎The Rural, Gardens, Allotments and other Sanctuaries/Empires| 7 May | 6.30 – 8pmReader here ︎Models of (artist-led) education | 21 May | 6.30 – 8pmReader here ︎Libraries: Palaces for the People(?)| 18 June | 6.30 – 8pmReader here ︎What I'm (meant to be) Reading| 2 July | 6.30 – 8pmReader here ︎Solitude| 16 July | 6.30 – 8pmReader here ︎Rituals | 30 July | 6.30 – 8pmReader here ︎Conversation as Material | 13 August | 6.30 – 8pmReader here ︎Publishing: Doing it Together | 27 August | 6.30 – 8pmReader here ︎Food as practice, Food as function | 17 September | 7–8.30pmReader here ︎What I'm (still meant to be) Reading | 15 October | 7–8.30pmReader here ︎Casual hang out/get-to-know | 14 January | 7pmReader here ︎Archives: Here, Now, Then, Tomorrow | 27 January | 7-8.30pmReader here ︎What I’m (meant to be) Reading | 10 February | 7-8.30pmWhen does the word of mouth end and the rewarding of curiosity start? | 24 February | 7-8.30pmReader here ︎Casual Chat: Practice Sharing | 10 March | 7-8.30pmReader here ︎Casual Activities: Rearrange the Room you are in | 31 MarchReader here ︎The Collective is: Starting Something| 14th April Reader here ︎MoI’s 1st Birthday: Beginnings, Endings, Cycles | 28th AprilReader here ︎What I’m (still meant to be) Reading | 12th MayReader here ︎
*MoI invites suggestions for subjects of interest to be researched. Email suggestions to
Matters of Interest (MoI) is a twice monthly peer-led series of Skype based research-roundtables designed to bring together artists and designers during ~and beyond~ the current COVID-19 crisis. Each Matters of Interest takes place as a group chat, during which a subject of interest is researched and discussed by participants in one 90-minute conversational thread of online articles, links, texts, books, pdfs, images, loose and formed thoughts.
The research shared and discussed is then collated into a Reader available as a pdf download.
Matters of Interest group-chats are an opportunity to form new relationships with others who hold similar research interests, with regular contributors joining from across the UK and Europe. As a peer-led series, themes are selected from contributors' suggestions.
We are excited to meet as many folks during the lockdowns as possible, and invite you to join by expressing an interest at and @matters.of.interest
Matters of Interest is supported by Big Shop Friday, with whom we are exploring a physical manifestation of MoI once safe to do so.